Charlie McBride


Cowtown Treasure Hunters lost longtime club member and dear friend Charlie McBride August 2016. Charlie held lifetime member status and served the club as Program Director for a number of years. Charlie was also hunter of the year in 2000. Charlie served in the United States Coast Guard and was also a longtime member of the Handley Masonic Lodge 1140.

In April of 2017 the Club planted a Nuttall Oak at Camp Carter in memory of Charlie. The plaque included reads as follows:

Charles Ray McBride

1933 - 2016

Charlie was a member of

Cowtown Treasure Hunters

Club for 24 years and had

metal detected for over 45

years. He received the "Hunter

of the Year" award and was

instrumental in making the

club a success. His dedication

and commitment inspired all

who knew him.

Nuttall Oak

Quercus nutalli