Club Sponsorships
Interested in Becoming a
Cowtown Treasure Hunters Club Sponsor?
The main benefit to a sponsor would be free advertising on our website. Hopefully sponsor listings will generate some interest in and business for our sponsors. Sponsors don’t specifically need to offer the club a discount, but a discount might give members more incentive to do business with a sponsor.
What does sponsorship do for you?
If you are a sponsor that does not offer a discount to the club…
Club sponsor’s company name and logo will be listed on the website’s “Sponsors and Affiliations” page. This page is view-able by everyone visiting our website. If the sponsor has a website, their logo will be a clickable link that will open their website in a new window.
If you are a sponsor that also offers a discount…
In addition to the above, sponsor company name and logo will also appear on the website’s “Club Sponsors” page in the private Club Member section and list what discount you offer the club. This page is only accessible by club members. Your logo on this page will also link to your website, if you have one, and open it in a new window.
Who is eligible to become a sponsor and what priority do sponsors receive?
Any business that does something that is a significant direct benefit to the club would take the highest priority. Our current relationship with Camp Carter and Garrett are good examples.
Any metal detecting related business that either does something that is a direct benefit to the club or offers the club a discount. Garrett and Texas Premium Detectors would be good examples.
Any business owned directly by an active officer or club member. Officer owned businesses have listing priority over general club members. Any officer or club member business that offers the club a discount will take priority over one that does not.
A business that does not fit any category above could also be a sponsor if they are willing to offer the club some sort of discount on their services. An active club member would need to be the representative for this sponsorship.
What do I need to do to get listed on the website?
If a business fits any of the above categories and is interested in becoming a club sponsor or a club member is willing to represent a business as a sponsor the only things that are required would be an image of the company logo, a brief description of the company and what discount (if any) they are willing to provide. Depending on the image provided, the club reserves the right to adjust image as needed to fit the layout of the website. Email the above if you have a business you would like listed as a sponsor.