Robert Groom
Cowtown Treasure Hunters lost longtime club member and deal friend
Robert Groom April 2014.
Robert Groom passed away of a sudden heart attack on Tuesday, April 8th 2014. Robert was a member of the club for over 20 years. Robert always had a good word or two to say to everyone and had a great smile. We’ll miss him. Please keep Linda and their family in your thoughts and prayers.
Club member Dennis Wynne penned the follow poem in tribute to his good friend Robert:
Final Tone
Through All of My Years
Through Hard Sweat and Tears
I Have Traveled This World in Quest
For Bright Silver or Gold
Sometimes New, Sometimes Old
Always Seeking My Gold Filled Chest
But the Treasure I Found
Came Not From the Ground
But a True Friend, the Very Best
Though Hills and Valleys
In Backyards and Alleys
We Searched to Find What was Next
Through all kinds of weather
We Searched Life Together
Till Exhausted, We Laid Head to Rest
Now, My Very Close Friend
Came to Life’s Hastened End
And I am Grateful Having Been so Blessed
Hearing One Final Tone
He Was Finally Called Home
To Heaven, and Eternal Rest
So Farewell Friend of Old
Hope You Found Streets of Gold
And Eternally, Search on, Refreshed
My Time not yet Gone
I too, Await Final Tone
When Again, We Will Travel, in Quest